Part of an upcoming editorial
I specially like this shots where i was caught spontaneously while being styled in 20s and listening to Wagner.
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Photos by Eric Guillemain
Styled by Rene Garza
Ink is the perfect tool for expressing the moment, cause it can't be corrected after. As i said before for me a drawing can only become concrete as a thought after it's been done.
Ink let us be ourselves without inhibitions, let us show the world how we think and feel. We don't want to be corrected by the limits and rules (of in this case anatomy). Be aware of pursuing perfectionism...
The most difficult challenge for an artist, I believe, is loosing yourself and going back to childhood; back to the infant we once were. Children, like primitive artists, had an inborn feel for form which according to Marcus Rothkovich or Rothko should be encouraged to develop freely and without interference from the intellect.